Beyond Colorblind (2 studies in ethnic identity)

Personal Ethnic Stories

In this GIG, we will look at how our personal ethnic stories are understood from a Christian perspective: acknowledging both the beauty and brokenness in every person and in every ethnicity and culture, yet believing that Jesus can heal and restore even things that seem damaged beyond repair.

When people think of ethnicity there can be positive and/or negative associations. As a Christian, we believe that God’s desire is to amplify what is beautiful and to heal what is broken in our ethnic stories. This GIG hopes to explore these topics together, listen to one another well, and grow together in the process.

Week One: Ethnicity as a Gift

We believe that our ethnicity is not an accident but rather a gift from God. God created us, our families, and our ethnic heritage, and intended for it to be good. In week one, the group reads Psalm 139, a poem from the Bible where David, someone who had an intimate relationship with God, reflects on how God created him. As you read this poem together, listen for a word or phrase that resonates with you. 

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Week Two: Bridge Building

We believe that Jesus is the best bridge builder in history. In Jesus’ day, there were lots of divisions and resentments, not unlike us today. In week two, the group reads John 4 to understand how he broke down boundaries between Jews and Samaritans, who have a long history of division and resentment.

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