Dos and Don'ts of Giving Your Testimony

Your testimony presents the power of the gospel to others in a personal and relevant way. Christ's person, power, and promise are highlighted within a framework of how you were introduced to Christ, what difference he has made in your life, and what he continues to do in you.

A testimony is not a ME-imony. The gospel is to be the focus. Your story is just the frame for the picture, the setting for the jewel. Your story should enhance God’s work of art, and not distract or detract from it.

For a full guide to writing a compelling testimony, read 30 Minutes to a Shareable Testimony. Below are some do's and don'ts to use with that guide as you write, and to remember when you share your testimony face to face.


  • Relax and smile
  • Pay attention to the person with whom you are talking
  • Allow the Spirit to lead your conversation
  • Tie aspects of your story to elements of a gospel outline
  • Admit to mystery and faith in unanswerable things
  • Be confident that God’s Word in your testimony will accomplish what God intends


  • Use Christian jargon or glittering generalities like “wonderful,” etc.
    • Play Testimony Taboo: Try having a group of people give their testimony to one another. Have a buzzer on hand to use whenever they use Christian jargon or vocabulary that would be hard to relate to for a non-Christian.
  • Mention non-central doctrines or church denominations
  • Use negative contrasts or imply criticism of others
  • Give the impression that the Christian life is easy
  • Use a ministerial twang or preacher-like tone
  • Argue someone into the kingdom
  • Use high-pressure salesmanship, either in mentality or in style (read You Don't Have to Sell Jesus)

Are there more dos and don'ts that you've found valuable when sharing your testimony? Share them in a comment below.