Fun Coordinator

Earn the Fun Coordinator Badge
By earning this badge, you will:
- Know how to tell a compelling story of God's work in your life today.
- Be able to host a fun and honest event for skeptics and seekers.
Belle and Dri's Open Mic Night
Belle and Dri are students at Florida Memorial University, a Historically Black College and University (HBCU). InterVarsity is new on campus. Coming into this fall, a big loss to campus life (due to COVID-19) is a regular place to showcase the talent of the student body. Check out how they created a fun and honest event for their community.
Hidden Talents
Belle and Dri conjured up "Hidden Talents,” a Zoom open mic night focused on the theme of the impact of racism on students' lives. They knew they needed coaching to translate their idea into a solid plan, so they asked their InterVarsity staff Lindsay.
The debut of Hidden Talents welcomed students who had never even heard of InterVarsity. They spent the evening celebrating each others’ artistry and the beauty of black people. They got real and shared their pain together, and at the end of their time, Belle and Dri talked honestly about how Jesus has been meeting them in their grief and anger. Several students signed up to take a fresh look at Jesus as the one who enters their pain and transforms them.
What do you like about this story? Take a moment to pray:
Jesus, how can I bring fun and honesty together so that skeptics and seekers feel welcomed in my community?
Your Turn
Pick a Hobby. What is one thing you enjoy doing that you would want to share with others? Pick a friend. Belle and Dri didn't do it alone, they had each other. Who would be a great partner for you in creating an Ignite event together?
Destiny & Seth started having fun in their small group by hosting dance classes on Zoom and learning choreography from Korean pop.
Christine hosts a weekly cooking class - she emails out a list of ingredients and invites her classmates to cook alongside her.
Book Club
Sarah has been hosting a book club about The Inner Game of Tennis, where she invites her friends to talk about how they are growing.
Seasonal Outreach)

Host a fun and intriguing COVID-themed Christmas Party online. Make a copy of this Google Doc and personalize your plan.
Create your Own
Use our Ignite tool with a coach to create your own fun and honest event.
Get Coached
Set up a meeting with your InterVarsity Staff for coaching, or sign up for a coach that we provide. Your Staff or other coach will help you plan a great event, craft your invitation, and prepare you to tell the story of God’s work in your life. Then you can go to your small group (if available) and get them involved in attending your Ignite event and bringing their non-Christian friends. To learn more about Ignite, go here.

You should now be able to:
- Know how to tell a compelling story of God's work in your life today
- Be able to host a fun and honest event for skeptics and seekers
Event Plans
Use these templates to help plan your fun event!
Before the Event
Send this invitation to your friends:
Hi everyone! How are you de-stressing lately? I’ve been enjoying learning K-Pop dances, and I’d love to do this with others on Zoom! Join me in getting fit and having fun through K-Pop dancing. I also want to discuss how we’re all finding connection in a season of isolation. [date, time, link] Are you interested?
10 Minutes Before
Pray with a Christian friend for the Holy Spirit to work in your time and in the hearts of your friends!
2 Minutes Before
Begin Zoom Meeting
During the Event
Start of the Call
1. Welcome everyone and catch up.
2. Remind everyone that there are two parts: fun and honest:
Today we’re going to spend some time learning a new dance. Then, we’re going to talk about how we find connection in a season of isolation.
15-25 min: Fun Activity
Pick one of these options for dancing together:
Option 1: Go to YouTube and find a dance tutorial.
Option 2: Learn a TikTok dance and make a video together.
Option 3: Learn choreography ahead of time and teach it.
- Make sure to set up your computer/camera so you can see the group and they can see you well.
- Share your audio so everyone can hear the song.
- Clearly direct people to “practice” the dance moves and clearly gather people back to give further instructions.
15 min: Honest Conversation
1. Ask everyone this question:
How do you find connection in a time of isolation?
2. Start by answering your own question first, or having a partner share first. Use the Flame section of Ignite to help you create your story.
For example:
In this season, lots of people have looked at me and think that I have it all together and don’t have any problems. In reality, in this season of isolation, I have struggled even more with overthinking and anxiety. This has pulled me further and further from connection. One thing that has helped me has been my faith. Jesus reminds me that it’s okay not to be okay. And Jesus meets my needs, giving me a sense of calm and security even in my most anxiety stricken moments. With Jesus in my corner, I have the strength I need to start reaching out and gaining the connection I need.
3. Invite everyone to share their story.
5 min: Invitation
1. Invite to the GIG associated with your honest conversation.
For example:
I’m a part of a group of people who are developing real connection and community even now. We discuss stories of Jesus and ask honestly, “How is faith in Jesus relevant in this season?” If you consider yourself curious or open spiritually, this is a great place for you to bring your honest questions and investigate Jesus for yourself. Our community would be even richer with all of you here. Would you consider joining me on Tuesday at 7pm on zoom for our next discussion?
2. Debrief the call with everyone with these questions:
- What was your favorite part of today?
- Who do you want to invite for next week? Take a screenshot to invite.
Before the Event
Send this invitation to your friends:
Hi everyone! How are you de-stressing lately? I’ve been enjoying learning new recipes, and I’d love to do this with others on Zoom! Join me in a culinary adventure and having fun in the kitchen. I also want to discuss how we’re all finding connection in a season of isolation. [date, time, link] Are you interested?
10 Minutes Before
Pray with a Christian friend for the Holy Spirit to work in your time and in the hearts of your friends!
2 Minutes Before
Begin Zoom Meeting
During the Event
Start of the Call
1. Welcome everyone and catch up.
2. Remind everyone that there are two parts: fun and honest:
Today we’re going to spend some time learning a new dance. Then, we’re going to talk about how we find connection in a season of isolation.
15-25 min: Fun Activity
Pick one of these recipes for cooking together:
- Classic Dessert: chocolate chip cookies
- Happy Hour Food: Loaded french fries
- Always Breakfast: Pancakes
Measure out your ingredients before you start. Do any other prep necessary.
Read the recipe and facilitate the group cooking alongside you. Show yours to illustrate what it should look like at each stage.
Have your discussion when your food is in the oven or while you enjoy your food.
15 min: Honest Conversation
1. Ask everyone this question:
How do you find connection in a time of isolation?
2. Start by answering your own question first, or having a partner share first. Use the Flame section of Ignite to help you create your story.
For example:
In this season, lots of people have looked at me and think that I have it all together and don’t have any problems. In reality, in this season of isolation, I have struggled even more with overthinking and anxiety. This has pulled me further and further from connection. One thing that has helped me has been my faith. Jesus reminds me that it’s okay not to be okay. And Jesus meets my needs, giving me a sense of calm and security even in my most anxiety stricken moments. With Jesus in my corner, I have the strength I need to start reaching out and gaining the connection I need.
3. Invite everyone to share their story.
5 min: Invitation
1. Invite to the GIG associated with your honest conversation.
For example:
I’m a part of a group of people who are developing real connection and community even now. We discuss stories of Jesus and ask honestly, “How is faith in Jesus relevant in this season?” If you consider yourself curious or open spiritually, this is a great place for you to bring your honest questions and investigate Jesus for yourself. Our community would be even richer with all of you here. Would you consider joining me on Tuesday at 7pm on zoom for our next discussion?
2. Debrief the call with everyone with these questions:
- What was your favorite part of today?
- Who do you want to invite for next week? Take a screenshot to invite.
Book Club
Before the Event
Send this invitation to your friends:
Hi everyone! How are you de-stressing lately? I’ve been doing a lot of reading, and I’d love to host discussions with others on Zoom! Join me in nerding out about what we're reading! I also want to discuss how we’re all finding connection in a season of isolation. [date, time, link] Are you interested?
10 Minutes Before
Pray with a Christian friend for the Holy Spirit to work in your time and in the hearts of your friends!
2 Minutes Before
Begin Zoom Meeting
During the Event
Start of the Call
1. Welcome everyone and catch up.
2. Remind everyone that there are two parts: fun and honest:
Today we’re going to spend some time learning a new dance. Then, we’re going to talk about how we find connection in a season of isolation.
15-25 min: Fun Activity
Pick one of these options for discussing books together:
- Fiction Book: Harry Potter reread or Hunger Games
- Non-fiction book or article: Books related to current events, like “How to be Anti-racist” or related to a shared hobby like, “The Inner Game of Tennis”
- Show and tell: Everyone shares about their favorite book or something they are reading right now.
Go-To Questions:
What was your favorite part of the book/chapter? What feelings did it bring up?
What surprised you?
What are you still thinking about today?
Is there any actions or changes you want to make to your life after reading this book?
15 min: Honest Conversation
1. Ask everyone this question:
How do you find connection in a time of isolation?
2. Start by answering your own question first, or having a partner share first. Use the Flame section of Ignite to help you create your story.
For example:
In this season, lots of people have looked at me and think that I have it all together and don’t have any problems. In reality, in this season of isolation, I have struggled even more with overthinking and anxiety. This has pulled me further and further from connection. One thing that has helped me has been my faith. Jesus reminds me that it’s okay not to be okay. And Jesus meets my needs, giving me a sense of calm and security even in my most anxiety stricken moments. With Jesus in my corner, I have the strength I need to start reaching out and gaining the connection I need.
3. Invite everyone to share their story.
5 min: Invitation
1. Invite to the GIG associated with your honest conversation.
For example:
I’m a part of a group of people who are developing real connection and community even now. We discuss stories of Jesus and ask honestly, “How is faith in Jesus relevant in this season?” If you consider yourself curious or open spiritually, this is a great place for you to bring your honest questions and investigate Jesus for yourself. Our community would be even richer with all of you here. Would you consider joining me on Tuesday at 7pm on zoom for our next discussion?
2. Debrief the call with everyone with these questions:
- What was your favorite part of today?
- Who do you want to invite for next week? Take a screenshot to invite.