Prayer Partner

Earn the Prayer Partner Badge
By earning this badge, you will:
- Learn two specific prayers for your non-Christian friends
- Be able to discern the spiritual interest of your non-Christian friends
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The Journey to Faith
A mysterious journey and a predictable pattern
The process of coming to faith can seem mysterious or abstract. In reality, it is a predictable process that you can help your friends pursue.
Take a moment to look at these 5 steps. Can you think of a friend or two that fits into each of these "thresholds"?
The Five Thresholds

1. Trust
Your friend has little or no trust for Christians.

2. Curious
Your friend has some questions about faith, but it’s not yet personal for them.

3. Open
Your friend may never have considered that God can meet their personal needs.

4. Seeking
Your friend is open to exploring Jesus, but they don’t know how to seek Jesus for answers.

5. Following
Your friend has been exploring Jesus and might be ready to become a follower of Jesus.
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Praying for 2+ Friends
Who is on your heart?
Regular commitment to prayer is the first step of helping your friends on the journey to faith. It is impossible for us to change anyone’s heart. As we pray, we rightly trust God for the mystery of conversion. We are like the 4 people who lower their paralytic friend before Jesus for healing and the forgiveness of sin. (Mark 2:1-12)
Pray for your friends.
Spend 5 minutes filling out this prayer card:
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Make it a Habit
Use these prayers to partner with God in interceeding for your non-Christian friends, based on what threshold your friend is going through.
Intercessional Prayers
Building Trust
1. Jesus, give me your love for ______.
Jesus, break my heart for the things that break your heart. Help me to see _____ with your eyes. (Luke 19:41-42)
2. Jesus, what are the opportunities for me to interact with ______ this week?
Send me into your fruitful harvest with your authority. (Matthew 9:38)
Stoking Curiosity
1. Jesus, what are a few good questions I could ask ______ this week?
Jesus make a better question asker, just like you are*. (John 3:9-10)
2. Jesus, turn my insecurities into boldness.
Empower me to speak your word to ______ with great boldness. (Acts 4:29)
Closed to Open
1. Jesus, open ______'s spiritual eyes and awaken their soul.
Break the blindness on ______’s mind caused by the god of this age. Help them see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. (2 Corinthians 4:4)
2. Jesus, increase ______'s spiritual hunger and desire for change in their life.
3. Give ______ dreams and other signs to grow their discontent and disrupt their complacency.
Focusing the Search
1. Jesus, set ______ free from spiritual captivity.
Help me gently instruct ______ in the hope that you will grant them repentance and salvation. (2 Timothy 2:25-26)
2. Jesus, give me discernment as I help ______ identify their most urgent question for you.
Help ______ seek with her eyes, hear with her ears, understand with her heart and turn, and you will heal her. (Matthew 13:15)
Following Jesus
1. Jesus, help ______ see how good you are and give _______ faith to believe.
Help ______ radically trust in Jesus with their whole lif. (Acts 20:21)
2. Jesus, provide an opportunity for me to invite ______ into a relationship with you this week.
You want your house full, so give me opportunity and boldness to invite ______ to come home to you. (Luke 14:23)
extra challenge
Do It Together
Tell your small group about the importance of praying for your friends. Share with them one thing you like about this Prayer Badge training.
Ask your small group who would like to pray for 2+ non-Christian friends. Offer to pray with them periodically for both of your non-Christian friends.

You should now be able to:
- Know two specific prayers to pray for your non-Christian friends
- Be able to discern the level of spiritual interest of your non-Christian friends
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